Ella-Go Podcast
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Guest on the She Doesn’t Settle Podcast Ep. 78
If being a mom wasn't hard enough.... try being a runner and a mom! Psychologist and mom, Dr. Chloe Bedford talks about her experience on how running and being a new mom was a struggle. Dr. Bedford keeps it real in this episode. She discusses the pressure moms put on themselves and why we need to be okay with not being okay!
Guest Spot on Relationship Talks with Rick and Namon
Listen to Lisa share her story on divorce and moving on as a guest on Relationship Talks with Rick and Namon
Guest Spot on Your Time Now Podcast
Lisa DeLugo and she shares her amazing journey on overcoming a toxic relationship, being a single mom and now motivating and inspiring other women via her podcast and running coaching!
Guest Spot on Slimming Stories
Hear Lisa as a guest on Slimming Stories Podcast! Years of negative self-talk had conditioned Lisa to react to all compliments suspiciously. In this weeks’ episode, Lisa explains how she just didn't believe the compliments people gave her and would shrug them off in disbelief.
Guest Spot on the Modern Immigrant Podcast: Latina Enough
Lisa is a guest on the Modern Immigrant podcast, where she shares her experience as a Latina, born and raised in the USA. Her experience with latinidad and culture as a daughter of immigrants and now as a mom.