Guest Spot on Slimming Stories
Episode 43 Lisa Marie Delugo held onto years of negative self-talk until she found life after divorce and reconnected to her true self.
September 13, 2020
Years of negative self-talk had conditioned Lisa to react to all compliments suspiciously. In this weeks’ episode, Lisa explains how she just didn't believe the compliments people gave her and would shrug them off in disbelief.
After Lisa's divorce, Lisa found herself as a single mum sitting in therapy wondering what she needed to do next to get her life back on track. Although Lisa had started to lose weight and wanted to be and feel healthier she recognized that she just didn't love herself. Years of neglecting her self care meant that even when she did lose some weight this did not impact positively on her self image as she had lost her way. While going through therapy Lisa decided to start running, with running Lisa was able to reconnect with her Mojo and the rest is history!
Lisa now offers coaching and nutrition advice for those in need and knows all too well the struggles people face when trying to improve their health and fitness.
Lisa talks about how energized going for a run makes her feel and how with the help of running and good nutrition Lisa has transformed her life.
This episode is jam-packed full of inspiration and motivation to help challenge a negative mindset. If the idea of loving yourself seems an odd idea to have, Lisa insists that this is a necessary goal before any weight loss and fitness journey.
Lisa offers a great insight into her own self-care journey to help you get started.
For my upcoming 9 week Running Program for WOMEN Beginners!
You have listened to my story that it’s more than just a physical transformation. In this program we will be implementing how to also work on our mindset and how we think impacts our lives AND our runs.
This is NOT your typical running program. Lets transform INSIDE and OUT and empower ourselves to be the best we can be!
If I can do it…SO CAN YOU!