Overcoming Challenges Like a Boss With Hey Girl You Can Tara Geraghty

Meet Tara Geraghty, founder of the Hey Girl You Can community, top 5 TEDx speaker, author, entrepreneur, and mother. She has spent over 24+ years in leadership development leading a team of women across the nation. She holds a degree in theater, has a background in improvisation and is both Counseling Practitioner and REBT certified. She is the founder of Hey Girl, You Can a community of over 40,000+ women from around the world. Tara is a sought after Top 5 TEDx speaker, a TEDx Play Series Performer, the Author of Making Cancer Fun: A Parent's Guide (Amazon #1 New Release), and has been featured on MSNBC, GMA, 5280 & Reader’s Digest to name a few. She is a contributing author on Every Entrepreneur’s Guide to Running your Own Business, a contributor to Conquer Magazine: The Patient’s Voice, and can be heard on podcasts worldwide. Tara lives in NJ with her miracle kid daughter Emily Grace.

In this episode, Tara discusses her experience with abuse, divorce, and being a mother to a child diagnosed with cancer. Her story is jaw dropping. She discusses how she was able to manage and thrive during a very difficult time in her life. Tara shares her life lessons with you so you too can overcome like a BOSS!


  1. No matter how bad we think we have it, Somebody else has it worse.

  2. What we focus on gets bigger

  3. Gratitude is a practice.

  4. What changes you is when you say "what will I be grateful for today".


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