Women Running Series: Kate Mroz is the Running Theologian

Kate Mroz is the Running Theologian.

She is a professor, triathlete, runner, and mental health advocate in Boston, MA. She has a PhD in Theology from Boston College and is currently Assistant Professor of Theology and Religious Studies at Emmanuel College. After passing her comprehensive exams in 2015, Kate began training for a marathon as a way to de-stress. Since then, she has qualified for the Boston Marathon three times and won her age group in several triathlons. Kate is currently training for the 2022 Boston Marathon and raising money for the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD). Kate has been volunteering as a support group leader with ANAD for several years. As someone who has recovered from her own battle with anorexia, Kate is passionate about making sure others do not feel as alone as she once did. In 2021, she founded the Athletes Against Diet Culture community on Facebook intended to be a space to talk about sports that is free of diet ads, food-shaming, and other triggering content found in many sports communities. She is also a certified running coach through the Road Runners Club of America and loves talking to about running and triathlons with athletes at all different levels.


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