I Signed Up for My First Couch to 5K Program!
How to prepare for your first run!
So you were one those people that would WATCH people run. But never thought YOU could be doing the running. And now fast forward a couple of months or years, and you just signed up for a Couch to 5K running program. WTF! Like seriously WTF! Ok so before you chicken out and think you are going to die, lets look at what to expect.
The big deal is everyone has a specific way that their foot hits the floor.
Shoes #runningshoes
Running shoes are critical in preventing injuries. C-R-I-T-I-C-A-L I remember when I first started running and wore shoes that were for motion control. Unbeknownst to me, what I needed were shoes with massive amount of cushion. So here I am running a 5K with the wrong shoes. I ended up finishing in pain with major shin splints and my motivation to run again fell flat. So what's the big deal with shoes? The big deal is everyone has a specific way that their foot hits the floor. And depending on how it fits the floor indicates the type of shoe you would need. Without getting too sciency, its simply the type of shoe that your foot will benefit in preventing injuries. You can always go to one of those running shoe stores, where they will watch how you run on a treadmill and sell you the type of shoe you need. However, you can simply look at the soles of your shoe and see where its worn down. Usually if its worn out on the outer side of your shoe, you may need shoes with cushion. If you see the inside of your soles worn out, you may need motion control shoes. I'll add the disclaimer that I am not a shoe expert, but this is the "I can't afford going to a shoe store" method. You can always check out a lot of running shoe sites and they will provide you the same type of guidance.
Nutrition #nutritionforrunners
Keep in mind that eating before the run is going to be trial and error. Let's try to avoid the embarrassing tossing of the cookies in front of everyone. Hey, it happens! I would suggest to stay on the conservative side at first, like a banana or a piece of toast with peanut butter. But you might not need to eat. It all depends on you. It all depends on how much you are in shape. If this is your first time doing any type of cardio in years, I suggest eating a light snack prior. But if you are not sure, don't hesitate to ask your doctor, a nutritionist or dietician. However, at the end of the day, listen to your body. You can always bring snacks with you on the run. And as you become a seasoned runner you will learn the amazing skill of chewing and running at the same time.
Mindset #mindsettorun
This is probably the most important thing. Yes, your are nervous. You are probably thinking you are going to be the slowest. You are probably thinking you are already going to fail. The most amazing thing about running is that it's truly for everyone. I can't tell you how many tears I have shed (and not from struggling to finish the course) in my experience in racing. You will encounter every gender, every shape, every size, every pace, every age, RUNNING! Have a "Why" to your initiative to signing up. Why are you doing this? To lose weight. To meet people. To become healthier. To check off a bucket list. To release energy. To have a peace of mind. What ever your why is, focus on that. And remember you chose to run for you. So on your first day, try to breath, and be damn proud of yourself. You are going to try to be a runner!
There are many other things to consider before your first run that I did not cover. Be recognizant of the weather and dress for it. Will you be running on the streets? You may consider wearing reflective gear. Do you have any ailments that may require medical approval from your doctor? So make sure to do your homework. But, at the end of the day remember to have fun! #runforfun