Women Running Series: If I Can Do It So Can You, With Mental Health Advocate Kim Sundling

Kim Sundling is living proof that your mental health cannot stop you from living your best life ever.

Kim is a Board Certified Psych Pharmacist and a Mental Health Advocate. She shares her inspiring story that you are more than your mental health. 

"I have struggled with many things over my life, but I refuse to let it hold me back. I have bipolar disorder, OCD, GAD, bulimia, and lupus, which impacts my everyday life. My diseases will be with me my whole life, but that doesn’t mean I can’t live my life." 

YES! This woman is incredible. Listen to her near death experience story that started her on this  journey to run a marathon. And the journey has not stopped. This Boston Marathoner will convince you that the human body and the Woman spirit is LIMITLESS!




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